Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Presenting today at Innovate

Exciting conference today at OSU

Me and Shaun will be presenting "Development of a Platform for Spatial Thinking Through Online Games" and here are some links to go with that presentation:

Maps and games – Simple map trivia -
Combining online maps and games -,
MMOG WoW – Leeroy Jenkins clip -
Debunking some myths -
Microsoft Surface Touch table – Calculation game -
The GeoGame website -
Fate of the World - -
Cityone IBM -

Roper Public Affairs. 2006. National geographic-roper public affairs 2006 geographic literacy study. New York: GfK NOP, 89p.
Steinkuehler, C., & Chmiel, M. (2006). Fostering scientific habits of mind in the context of online play. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Learning sciences (p. 729). International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mike Batty, CASA at OSU

We're wrapping up an exciting visit by Mike Batty ( here at OSU. He has generously spent many hours with faculty and students, discussing cutting edge spatial visualization, simulation, and modeling ideas. Of particular interest to this blog is the work on loading game engines and Second Life with spatial data through which the game avatars get to interact directly, sort of, with the virtual landscape model, which then becomes...real, sort of. Reality is broken! Lots of other innovative ideas and examples can be found on the blog and in this video.

Neogeography: disseminating geographic content with Web 2.0 technologies from Andrew Crooks on Vimeo.